Ratan Organica International provides a wide range of hotel amenities. Our collection includes shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, moisturizing lotions and soaps. The diverse range of hotel amenities caters from business hotels to 5 star luxurious resorts. We aim to create the most relaxing and delightful experience for your guests everytime they relish your hospitality.
The range is very basic yet contemporary in it’s theme. It has a lovely and long lasting fresh scent which not only rejuvenates the skin but also brightens up your day. The light and classy packaging of our products appeals to the guests.


The range caters to the extravagant hotel and resorts with its luxurious feel. With a classy touch, it appeals to your guests and makes a perfect holiday mood. The gold packaging gives it an elegant and regal finish.
The range has a serene, white and snowy theme, which compliments hotels with all kinds of ambiance. As white is a source of peaceful mind, sense of purity and conveys cleanliness, is a perfect choice for winters.

This range offers a traditional and ayurvedic essence. It’s a magic element which is a symbol of purity and nature that will attract every person on your list. The products are natural and low on chemicals with a refreshing smell.
ROI also offers competitive prices on products purchased in bulk quantities. We can cater to your special requirements regarding the quantity, size and delivery of the order.